Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Time With Mom

I miss my mom. Yesterday I had a great opportunity to spend the whole day with my mom and it was GREAT. We didn't do anything special we just spent time together. The older I get the more I really appreciate my mom. I realize more, to my dismay, how much I criticize my mom too. I always thought she should do this, that or the other or shouldn't. I'm sure I'm not the first to think I was smarter than my parent. But now as I spend time with her I realize she's HUMAN and in her humanity she makes mistakes, good and poor decisions, as do I. With maturity I have come to appreciate the good advice and hopefully started to encourage, rather than criticize during the poor decisions as I strive to edify my mother and be a good Christian friend to her also. I love calling her and listening to her voice and her comments and advice are always so useful. I often think how awful it would be not to have that and I think of how my mother lost her own mother at the age of 27, single with two kids. How did she do it? I thank God for exactly who she is! I thank God for allowing me time with her and for my children the blessing of knowing her.

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